Why use Mountain Sunrise Feed?

Predictable Consistent Diet At Every Feeding
Guaranteed levels of protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals in each pellet. Hay has leaves and stems which the horse will separate, leading to uneven nutritional intake during the day. When a horse feeds on Mountain Sunrise pellets, it has a guaranteed wholesome meal, consistent and healthy, every time!

Highest Quality Hay With No Binders Or Fillers Of Any Kind
Mountain Sunrise selects only the best hay…period! Not only do we inspect each load of hay before choosing it to become a Mountain Sunrise pellet, we will also inspect the crops on the fields of our farmers before it is cut to ensure the highest quality possible. We also don’t add any bentonite or any other binder or filler to our products. Our mantra is “Quality above all else”.

Easy To Handle, Store & Transport
It’s quicker, easier and cleaner to weigh and feed. It is easily measured in a bucket so anyone can feed your horse and it will get the right amount each time.
Mountain Sunrise pellets take up less than ½ the space of baled hay. Because of our process Mountain Sunrise pellets can be taken into National Forests and Parks, as well as across state lines when making one-day trips or for competitions.

More Economical
When feeding pellets there is no waste. Pellets fed in a proper container are completely consumed, unlike hay that can get strewn around and smashed by hooves or blown away.

Easy To Chew & Digest
Mountain Sunrise pellets are easy to chew, benefiting horses with poor dentition. Being unable to properly chew hay causes quidding and can lead to an increased choke risk.
Smaller particle size results in a greater surface area for enzymes and stomach bacteria to work on. This allows for better digestion therefore the horse passes less manure.